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Why Facebook is Buying Whatsapp for $19 Billions?

Facebook announces that droves a hard bargain for acquiring mobile messaging service provider , WhatsApp on Wednesday, (20 / 2 / 2014). Although Facebook have had instant's messaging service on his own. Then, what motive push Facebook buys WhatsApp that has similar Messenger service too and with the price that very high. 

Facebook Messenger apparently not grows as one expected by Facebook, particularly in term user amount. In contrast to WhatsApp, mobile messaging's service had 450 million worldwide users, and exists a million new users every day. 

Facebook is assessed behind schedule in fall goes to to service mobile messaging. That firm is new blasts off messaging afters buys Beluga on year 2011. At that time, messaging's group was more popular being appealed SMS'S service. 

While WhatsApp which blasted off by year 2009, having aim to present service chats fast one, modestly, and clear of advertising, so a lot of one adopts it. 

WhatsApp's service so popular outside America, as at European states and India, including Indonesia. In the early this year, WhatsApp claims has processed 50 billion orders in one days. Total that is broken down as 36 billion order most messages (outbound) and 18 milliard order to come in (inbound). 

In consequence, to hasten messaging's service adoption goes to wider range again, Facebook buys WhatsApp. 

The agreement WhatsApp's point by Facebook that can be told so grotesque, $19 billion dollar . This point included 3 billion dollar in shaped stock which given unto by WhatsApp's founder and employee in meter four years.  

Besides, CEO and co founder WhatsApp will also sit as Council Of board of directors at Facebook. 

According to Facebook, acquiring to WhatsApp that can help that social network broadcast conectivity's ability goes to all its user with faster. Facebook also says that WhatsApp will operating regular as corporate as separate and keep its brand. 

"WhatsApp is running after total 1 billion users, service (messaging) one that has reached such a worth," say CEO and Facebook's founder, Mark Zuckerberg. 

While CEO WhatsApp, Jan Koum says, "We pleasantly gets collaboration with Mark and Facebook, while we continually take in WhatsApp goes to more a lot of worldwide user."
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