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Founder WhatsApp: Facebook Turn me Down

Actually a WhatsApp's founder, Brian Acton, apparently found hard time has been refused his application by Facebook on 2009 ago. Four years afterwards, Acton is selling his firm to Facebook at the price that so fantastic, $19 billions dollars.  

The deals included 3 billions dollars in shaped of stock which given to Acton and WhatsApp's employee in meter four years. 

Acton's story becomes inspiration about rejected by Facebook, hard-earned, and creative. While refused by Facebook, he even tweeted. But, with optimistic, it says will begin "looking forward to life’s next adventure". 

 "Facebook turned me down. It was great opportunity to connect with some fantastic people. looking forward to life’s next adventure," wrote Acton on 4th August 2009. 

Acton graduated from computer science at Stanford University, previously has once worked at Apple and Adobe. Since 1996, he worked for Yahoo! until October 2007. At Yahoo! is vice president of engineering. 

On year while it refused by Facebook, Acton starts to build WhatsApp's application with Jan Koum at Mountain View, California, USA. Koum also constitutes former Yahoo employee!. At that year too, TheNextWeb reports that Acton also rejected by Twitter. 

Two social network firms Internet are outgrown at the world, Facebook and Twitter, have overlooked gold chance with refusing Acton, one that have tremendous talent in term programming. 

WhatsApp's name become popular so quick, as instant's messaging application had so much users, with 430 million active users on January 2014. 

Total processed message also increases to become is more than 50 billions message per day, of vicinity 27 billion per day that recorded on June 2013. That number is called was overshot total SMS that circulating worldwide so WhatsApp is looked on as one of decreasing cause SMS'S growth at universalizes. 

Even its user basis big growing, WhatsApp makes a abode to keep path firm mentality ( as startup). This firm just has 50 clerks. As much 25 person constitute technician, while 20 again handle language's supports to users. 

Acton and Koum has principle strong for doesn't feature advertising in their services. In developing its business, WhatsApp has philosophy anti advertising, even corporate it has advertising averse pronouncements. 

WhatsApp got money as big as $ 0,99 a year for each user. 

WhatsApp was invested by sequoia Capital's firm as much as 8 millions dollars in the early 2011. Since that time, WhatsApp doesn't open new phase investment because they can result money of its service, can underpin firm net-operating cost, until eventual Facebook "fall in love" and keeps company with it. 

Acquisition was done while standing 

There was a unique from acquisition’s Facebook on WhatsApp that declared on Wednesday (19 / 2 / 2014). CEO WhatsApp Jan Koum asks out his friends Whatsapp's founder, Brian Acton, and Jim Goetz goes to ex office North County, Mountain View, United States of America. 

In front of the building this now disused, Jan Koum, immigrant that went to USA from Soviet with nothing, before qeeuu to get food stamp, given by federal for indigent person. 

Over there too while stand, Koum and friends signed purchase contract for the price 19 billions dollars with social network giant Facebook.  

WhatsApp has changed Koum's life, of someone that finds time to live homeless as billionaire. Koum's wealth according to Forbes has 45 percent WhatsApp's stock, now reach around 6,8 billions dollars.  

Alone WhatsApp was growing as instant's messaging giant by totals monthly active user reach 450 billions. Everyday, according to Wired, server services this transfers is more than 18 billions message, nearly volume SMS'S daily that as big as 19,5 billions.  

What is the secret of WhatsApp's success? Since before Koum and Acton does ever consistence look after to service firm that just has 50 employees that that simple regular and gets focus on dispatch messages and at no advertising.  

Because, averting were viewed as by source inclusion outgrow, advertising just they look on to trouble firm aim and the comfort of its user. Koum and Acton was enough pleased with WhatsApp's inclusion of user subscription cost, one that last year just touches 20 millions dollars. That number most count so "small" to service as big as WhatsApp.  

WhatsApp's simplicity most mirror of a piece of paper at Koum's office, motto comprising abbreviates that wrote by Acton: "Without Advertising! Without game! Without Gimmick!". Beside it most walkie-talkie couple flounder that used by Koum to look for inspirations how to simplify instant's messages in voice basis.
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