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Create Photo Transparent

Actually it’s easy to create transparent photo or picture. You can use the features on the photoshop cs2, as like feature layer and layer opacity. Those features are very powerful to make picture or photo transparent. However you need other tools for the next editing.

This time we will create a photo profile or website, which can be disappeared then suddenly appear again. This will need several tools on the photoshop cs2, like as extract, layer, layer opacity, and some features in image ready. You may find little bit impress by the features on the image ready, especially animation feature.

Actually you can do more experiment with other tools in photoshop cs2. Like as making the photo or picture move to the other direction, or just make like a ghost scene. However you will need more tools and features in photoshop cs2.

Steps to create photo transparent which is disappeared like a ghost for your photo profile:

Open your your photo profile, then click layer>> duplicate layer>> click OK. Then at layer tab, next bottom right, click eye’s picture to deactivate background layer. So we can edit opacity background copy, set at 50. Therefore you have created transparent image. Just copy to the other image... 
create photo transparent step one

Now our previous profile photo can be changed to become profile photo that can be disappear. Extract previous image, then makes opacity 90 then copy to background's images. Then makes that equal to opacity 80, then 70 and so on. Keep in one folder. 

create photo transparent step two

Open image ready, click file>> import>> folder as frames. Then set animation, set the time and make it forever, then check with clicking play's switch.  

create photo transparent step three

If you feel OK, save at photoshop, then save as web and save at .gif format and all through. Congratulation you already created a photo transparent.
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