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Food that reduce uric acid level

Actually uric acid is not a disease, really, because uric acid is normal, and should be on blood stream. But uric acid levels could increase, and could cause several problems on the body. Like ache, and swelling on the joint bone. This meant we are dealing with uric acid levels, that’s the point.

Several foods could reduce uric acid levels on the blood stream. This meant we should consume those foods regularly, not just in a day, or a week. But those foods should be in your daily menu.

Health expert confirm that foods are the main source of uric acid, especially consume unhealthy foods. And usually people tend not care with their diet, they just eat, enjoy the food, and never think about content of their foods. Some foods had big contribution on uric acid levels. Even could reduce uric acid levels in blood stream. 


Spinach, asparagus, red bean should be avoided. Because those foods will increase uric acid levels. All of green vegetable will help to revamp the sour on blood stream become more neutral. Vegetable also rich on fiber, and had low calorie, this is good to reduces body weight too.

It’s easy to get vegetables, the fresh one are the best, Usually fresh vegetables better than the cooked one. Even if you like cooked one no problem too. But vegetables shoud be on your daily menu.


Although is not kind of food, water has essential role to clear poison, including uric acid within the body. Water could be consumed as green tea and another herb. But plain water is the best for our body.

Water is the main composition of our body, its role help the body fresh and healthy. Some of excess uric acid will be processed by kidney and discharged as urine. So drink water at least 2 liter or two big bottle a day.


Fresh cherry had good effect to reduce uric acid levels in blood stream. There are many supportive research that cherry is good fruit for reducing uric acid. Cherry coud be consumed in fresh form or juice. It advised to consume 2 ounces a day.


Consume fruits as many as possible, because fruits are rich on potassium, which is good to reduce uric acid. Like banana, melon, apricot could be included in your diet. Fresh fruit is the best for our health.

But you should choose and consume healthy food only. Because what the use, if you still consume those unhealthy foods which increase uric acid in blood stream. Choose the healthy food only for your health.
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