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Tips to Keep your Bank Account Secure

Is Your money really secure at bank? Apparently there is opportunity as little as whatever fund which is kept at the bank, can be stolen or lost. From the Client Forum note, so far many client account had been hacked with various modus. 

Referring experience lost fund around Rp 245 million at Permata Bank last year, Jakarta citizen Centers, Tjho Winarto, tips share to avoid lost of money at the bank. Its own's case is current be gets moving at police force and will continue civil process. 

Following five tips secure to lent fund at bank. First, avoid online financial transactions service on just bases password and OTP (one time password) one that sent by short order pass (SMS). 

 "I would rather look for bank that provide to service online using physical token. Even more fuss, but more safe and secure," say Winarto, as is quoted from Forum mass media broadcast Client, Friday 13th February 2015. 

Both of, if travel goes to place that its adverse signal, ever be try for call forward to ring goes to friend / family if seluler's phone number You are concerned for online transactions. 

Third, our main fund better are secured at rather savings "traditional", that can't be serviced by online system banking. Just fund tactical that is kept at rather account easy to be used. 

Fourth, step alone security (self protection) are substitute ATM'S pin and password is banking's Internet You as frequent as maybe. “how often PIN substitution and password is time substitute password laptop," say Winarto. 

To five. Be alert if You been downloads file whatever of Website or even open file in email. If You suspect its source, don't be opened. Your bank contact and sought for protection what they offer on clients.
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