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How to Protect Finance from Internet Hacker

Banking crime via Internet network recently stole a bank client. Predicted by hacked the password from banking's Internet and email address, previous client account stolen until hundreds million rupiah while it be at countrysides. This case is present being litigated by civil at south Jakarta State Court.  

So similar case is not recurring, Director Permata Bank in Retail Banking Bianto Surodjo gave tips to avoid banking crime. First, dont’t give copy ID card to anyone and also if the copy ID fell to person hand that unknown, can be use to hack the bank account. 

“Since that copy of ID card can be utilized for banking transactions,” He says.  

Second tips is don't give credit card number and three number on the back of the cards (card verification code / CVC) to others. Third, according to him, studying of previous client experience, they should keep secure their email address. Because, now email address can be used as medium to hack the bank account, including to accept delivery password's number on Internet banking.  

Last tips, say Bianto, don't make PIN number or password in  Internet banking which is easy to guess. As many, use number 000000, 012345, and a sort it. Because, he says, tech Fraud Social Engineering can study client behaviour trend and  PIN number or password that usually used. “Number 000000 usually being used many times.” 

Concerning bankings criminological case, on 18th February 2015 then a Permata Bank clients named Tjho Winarto litigate Permata Bank to south Jakarta State Courts with Rp's compensatory charge 32,2 milliards. It’s pointing negligent Permata Bank in their security in Internet Banking system that makes her account lost for Rp 245 million on 28 29th August 2014.  

Permata Bank management denied that accusation. According to Bianto, Permata bank has accomplished procedure in secure Internet transactions system banking. Scene that experienced by Winarto, according to Bianto, are criminological banking with modus Driving License card duplication rings client and hacked through password in email.  

With double Driving License card, hacker is predicted can accept SMS verification of Permata Bank. Meanwhile with email password, arsonist can get password's number new of banking's Internet client. Mediation with Indonesian Bank have also concluded that this instance is preconceived is act of crime.  
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