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Acne Causes and Treatment

You will not be comfort when acne formed on your face. Anyone or even your friends can say something about you, or even they will leave you, because they don’t like to look at your face. Even though they are your best friends, they could go away also.

Some peoples think if acne meant there is something happened in you. That could be psychology, that’s meant you are the kind of person always think too much, or perhaps you had the hygiene problem. Those thing will make you low esteem.  

Acne is a complex problem, can’t be solved in one hour. For example just used an anti acne medicine, then by magic those acne will go away, it is impossible. If you want to cure the acne, its need many stage, because acne could be caused by many factors.

Acne causes. 

There are many factors that cause acne, could be because affecting hormonal. As on adolescence, at their growth term, there are several hormones that make sweat gland expenditure a lot. So skin has tended too greasy, and makes gagging at sweat gland. Accordingly acne formed on face. 

Acne also can be caused by unhealthy foods. Its mean a lot of foods that contains fat, such as fast-food, fried-food, one that easy to collect and eat, since its scrumptious taste. Effect of excessive fat consumption, the body will manage to balance fat inside it. One of it by discards metabolite rest in shaped sweat. Accordingly skin will greasy and tending as acne. 

Acne also can be caused by physical inactivity. It causes to process metabolite on sweat gland rather disrupted. So pore on sweat channel constricts, and is easily experience gagging. It causes acne forming on the skin. 

Acne can be caused by personal hygiene. E.g. after traveling, dust easily sticks at face skin. Accordingly block out of sweat gland. It can also cause its acne formed. 

Acne treatments. 

It is not easy to cure acne, since its cause a lot and complex. You should consult with your skin doctor. Since its better sees view or tips from medical center. 

At least they will do one series of check and give cure, while found any abnormality at body. If you do self treatment shall be done cautiously. Since on this trial and error stage is frequent make acne as more acute or skinned face experiences irritation. 

If you are using anti acne medicine, you should use it cautiously. Further more if its composition doesn't contain natural stuffs and contains chemical substance. Since on this type can cause irritation on face’s skin. Allergic reaction on face’s skin due to chemical substance. If you try anti acne medicine goes to other skin besides face before. This is to avoid side effect of using anti acne. 

Acne treatment should be done completely. Settle all acne cause, one that in essentials is doing a healthy life. As like doing sport routinely, managing healthy foods only, consume much water, are few things that you can cure acne. 
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