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Alwaleed still out of 10 person most richest in the world

Last year, Alwaleed Bin Talal's prince Saudi's Arab origin have once protested to Forbes's Magazine, since she don't come in rating 10 big lists person most rich world. How is Alwaleed's rating and wealth this year? 

In rating that made by Forbes at this year, Alwaleed's wealth point named by US$ 22,9 milliards, or Rp's vicinity 274 trillion. On the up grade of positioning last year US$ 20 milliards. 

Alwaleed's rating this year at Forbes's list goes down, of number 26 last year, as number 34 at this year. 

Alwaleed, 59 years, have a number investment at various corporate distinguishing world, via his firm which is Kingdom Holding. At Saudi's Arab, Alwaleed constitutes wealthiest person. 

Proprietary stock Alwaleed for example at Twitter, Citigroup, Four seasons Hotels & Resorts, Movenpick Hotels & Resorts, and Fairmont Raffles Holding. 

On February 2014, Alwaleed blasts off Al Arab, one TV's office news on arabic at Bahrain. But closed by government, even before round 24 hour get broadcasts because license reasons. 

Bahrain's government is reported shut up office permanent ala and that TV's broadcast. 

 Even oil price universalizes to fall and euro's exchange rate rans down, the wealthy price universalizes to go on rise, defeating global economic decrease. Who is person most rich world 2015? 

Forbes returns to make person most rich at the world. Of that list, total miliuner universalizes with asset upon US$ 1 milliard, up to 1.826 person, with full scale wealth US$ 7,05 trillion or about Rp 84.600 trillion. Wow! This point rise from US$ 6,4 trillion at last year. 

As is published, Tuesday (3 / 3 / 2015), there is 290 person a new one this list input. Of that amount 71 China's indigenous persons. Total riches that stills old under 40 years also crescent become 46 person. 

Averagely wealth miliuner this is US$ 3,86 milliards. Want tofu who wealthiest?

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