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Deal with Binge

Actually bingeing is bad for you, and as far as possible you do your best to eat well. But in some unavoidable occasions, when somehow the chance to binge is thrust upon you? Who hasn’t at one time or another, come back from evening out at restaurant having stuffed themselves fit to burst? Or spent what was supposed to be a healthy weekend away wolfing down jumbo fried breakfasts, lunches and dinners? The aftermath can be a bit of shock. How is it possible to put on 3lb in just two days?

The good news is fat doesn’t actually accumulate that quickly. What you are looking at and feeling as you try to pull in your newly-acquired stomach is mainly water. Whenever you overeat, you inevitably cause sodium levels to go up, which causes instant water retention. And because you have consumed more carbohydrate calories than usual, your body has produced more glycogen than normal.

For every ounce of glycogen you store, you gain an extra three ounce of water. Fortunately the moment you get back to normal eating habits, you will quickly lose all this excess water. Rapidly losing excess water is all well and good, in theory, but let’s faces it, isn’t your immediate reaction when you wake up feeling bloated and uncomfortable because you have overindulged the night before, to think no more food? Don’t make this mistake.

It’s this type of thinking that can start you off-on a continues binge-fast cycle, which is extremely unhealthy in the long run. And by dramatically cutting down your food intake, you will only succumb to even stronger craving the binge later on. This is because you will have caused a disruption in brain chemistry.

Don’t expect to eat everything right in just one day

Eat your breakfast, even if you are not hungry. Choose fresh fruit or sugar free muesli with skimmed or Soya milk. This will stop you blood sugar levels from dipping later on in the day, leading to increased food cravings.

Drink eight glasses of water throughout the day

This will help your kidney deal more efficiently with excess toxins. Avoid coffee and normal tea, opt for detoxifying peppermint, fennel, nettle, or dandelion tea instead.

Eat a light lunch and dinner

Just eat food that easy to digest, avoid red meat. Choose from salad, fish, chicken, steamed vegetables, brown rice, fruit and live yogurt. Avoid also high slat foods, cause they will promote water retention.

Don’t bother counting calories

Just make sure that everything you eat is of high nutritional food value. Cut out all processed foods for the day.

Do some exercise

You can join exercise class or do 45 minutes of brisk walking. This will raise your metabolism slightly and help kick-start your body to start burning off that extra pound or two of fat.
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